The Project

WestAnchorage.Org is an effort to create a network of social media users (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc) to share content about Alaska, Anchorage and the various communities in West Anchorage. Included in the information we would like to share is progressive social and political topics.

As you already know, social media is full of information such as this. Most Facebook users receive a steady stream of posts along these lines, and many of you are already sharing this information among your friends. The problem is that many social media platforms ration this information, and preferentially present content that they believe offers the best opportunity to generate sales for advertisers, rather than information you are interested in. In addition, there are plenty of people who are interested in the same types of information, but they are not within your group of friends, and so they don’t see your posts, and you don’t see theirs.

As a user of social media such as Facebook and Twitter, you may wonder why this would even be necessary. The reason is that we want to create a regular and reliable stream of information that appeals broadly to our friends and neighbors, particularly those who tend to be progressively-minded. By creating and maintaining this channel, progressive candidates will be able to participate in this stream of information and reach our friends and neighbors in a way that would otherwise not be possible.

The basic idea is that when you (and all of the other members of WestAnchorage.Org) participate in your usual social media activities, and you share or post an article, we would ask that you also post it into the timeline of the WestAnchorage.Org group and page timelines, too, as a separate share. When you do this, many of the WestAnchorage.Org members will see this post. When you see a new post from WestAnchorage.Org, you then share it with your friends.

Think about this process: You read an interesting article on a topic of interest to Alaskans, or progressives, or both. You share it with your friends AND with WestAnchorage.Org. Members of WestAnchorage.Org see your post, and share it with all of their friends! All of the WestAnchorage.Org members are doing the same thing, so not only do your posts and shares spread far and wide, theirs do, too.

One of the great benefits of participating is that you’re able to volunteer and contribute without taking time from things you’re already doing. You only need to participate when you are already using your social media accounts. It doesn’t cost any money, or any more time than you’re already spending.

To participate, all you need to do is “like” our Facebook page and join our Facebook group.

What is involved and Frequently Asked Questions

How much time is involved?

This does not require any more time than you’re already dedicating to your social media activities.

OK, count me in! What do I do?

It is pretty simple, actually. Join the WestAnchorage.Org Facebook group and “like” the WestAnchorage.Org Facebook Page. When you see an interesting article that you are going to post or share on Facebook, share your post one more time with the WestAnchorage.Org group. When you see something from the WestAnchorage.Org Facebook group, and you like it, share it on your own timeline.

What should I be sharing?

Pretty much anything you want. The focus of the group is for happenings, events and discussions in West Anchorage, and links to articles about Alaska politics, issues, etc. Feel free, and in fact, we encourage you to share your own original content. In addition, pictures are great, school plays, community events, etc are all encouraged.

What else should I do?

It is a good idea to “like” the same posts you share, and definitely “like” your own posts. If you think your friends or our group should see something, like and share it!

I have a Facebook friend that wants to join. How can she do that?

Have them join the group and like the page, and have fun!

What about other social media platforms like Twitter? Can we use those?

Of course! We also have a Twitter account, @WestAnchorage. Follow us! There is also something called IFTTT that allows you to link your various social media platforms… so you can make it so your Twitter account posts to Facebook, and Facebook to Twitter, and that is just one of many possibilities.

Apparently, my question isn’t asked very frequently. How can I get answers to my questions?

You can email us at